
Human Immortality: Can science rescue us from death?

Human Immortality: Can science rescue us from death? As science continues to explore the mysteries of the human body and life expectancy continues to increase, one important question arises: could humans one day become immortal? Death is the ultimate price of being born in this beautiful world. It is merely the result of a natural phenomenon - the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or entropy, that states about the ultimate demise of all systems, from the sun and humans to the universe itself. But the desire to live forever and the dread of dying are the two primary forces propelling mankind's search for immortality. We are, quite possibly, living in the most amazing period of human history, the transition between the last mortal generation and the first immortal generation. The invertebrate Hydra have already attained mysterious immortality. They are predominantly made up of stem cells that constantly divide to produce new cells while s...

SWOT Analysis of 7 Case Reports

SWOT Analysis of 7 Case Reports       Case 1:   Strength   The PaJR group enabled us to discuss the case extensively and monitor the patient . The PaJR group proved to be a platform where various doctors were informed of any new findings and condition of the patient and enabled them to give their inputs about the case.   Weakness Since the patient was not literate and could not afford a phone that is compatible with the platform on which the PaJR group was created , the patient was not able to update any new findings or his health status on the group after his discharge.   Opportunities The PaJR group provided an opportunity to many medical students and doctors to get an insight of the case and present their individual disussion about the case . It also provided a platform where the patient's attender could update his condition . The discussion in the PaJR group can be referenced for any case research in the future.   Threat Multiple input...

7 Case presentation demonstrating clinical complexity in neurodegenerative disorders

7 Case presentation demonstrating clinical complexity in neurodegenerative disorders Case 1 51 year old male farmer presented with swelling of left foot and loss of sensations over left foot for 3years,ulceration over sole for 11 months.On furthur probing patient reported having sustained injury over left foot 25years back another episode 3years back and had fracture of base of 5th metatarsal and was managed conservatively patient continued to limp post trauma and developed tingling and numbness over his leftfoot with progressive loss of sensations associated with slippage of footwear affecting his daily routine Examination revealed 51M with intact higher mental functions ,normal cranial nerve examination motor examination of left lower limb revealed absence of dorsiflexion and eversion of foot and great toe extension with all deep tendon reflexes present ,sensory showed absence of all sensory modalities below ankle ,palpable common peroneal nerve with highsteppage gait and provisional...