SWOT Analysis of 7 Case Reports

SWOT Analysis of 7 Case Reports




Case 1:




The PaJR group enabled us to discuss the case extensively and monitor the patient .

The PaJR group proved to be a platform where various doctors were informed of any new

findings and condition of the patient and enabled them to give their inputs about the case.



Since the patient was not literate and could not afford a phone that is compatible with the

platform on which the PaJR group was created , the patient was not able to update any

new findings or his health status on the group after his discharge.



The PaJR group provided an opportunity to many medical students and doctors to get an

insight of the case and present their individual disussion about the case .

It also provided a platform where the patient's attender could update his condition .

The discussion in the PaJR group can be referenced for any case research in the future.



Multiple inputs can cause confusion about the etiology and treatment of the disease.


Case 2:



  • The patient had a platform to communicate their concerns and needs to multiple doctors whenever needed. 
  • Eliminated the need for the patient to come multiple times for history and investigations. A suitable time for the patient could be fixed according to when the genetic specialist would be available. 
  • A systematic medical record was formed including all the details regarding the patient’s history, investigations, examinations, and discussions. 



  • There is a risk of losing confidentiality as the patients may not always adhere to de-identification protocols while sharing results, reports and videos. 
  • Hesitancy from the patient in sharing details to multiple doctors.
  • Academic discussions between doctors regarding the case in the group can come across as unempathetic and overwhelm the patient.
  • Lack of face-to-face communication with a single doctor can affect the development of a doctor-patient relationship.



  • More organized ways of handling multiple PaJR groups can be explored.
  • More active discussion on the groups tailored to the patients needs can be implemented.



  • Lack of open communication from the patient
  • Lack of active participation by the group members. 


Case 3:



The patient had a means of communication which was present at all times, with multiple doctors ready to provide opinions – For instance, rehabilitation facilities were explained to the patient in the PaJR group. This approach allows the best possible outcome of the patient without having to visit multiple doctors. There was a systemic medical record formed which would be helpful to the patient in the future, including the patient’s medical history, investigations, examinations at one place making it easily accessible for medical professional treating this patient in the future.



Lack of face-to-face consultation further lacking human touch is a major drawback as it would not form an ideal doctor patient relationship. The news to the patient would be communicated over the phone, making it difficult to understand the patient’s reaction. There was a loss to follow up in this patient reasons of which include 

- Patient factors – lack of motivation (due to the fatal prognosis of the condition), lack of understanding of the motive of the platform, hesitancy to explain problems faced to multiple doctor at once.

- Physician Factors – Inability to keep a tally due to excessive number of patients


This approach allowed an open discussion of the rehabilitative treatment for the patient. 


Lack of conversation.

Case 4:



  • The patient had a platform to communicate their concerns and needs to multiple doctors whenever needed. 
  • It provided a common platform for the doctors to share their thoughts and concerns and discuss regarding a particular case, which could be tracked and recorded. 
  • A systematic medical record was formed including all the details regarding the patient’s history, investigations, examinations, and discussions. 



  • The lack of literacy (being able to use WhatsApp to communicate their concerns) made the PaJR group for this case less patient-friendly.
  • Hesitancy from the patient in sharing details to multiple doctors.
  • Academic discussions between doctors regarding the case in the group can come across as unempathetic and overwhelm the patient.
  • Discussions in the grConversations within the doctors' group have the potential to digress from the primary case and delve into unrelated topics.
  • Lack of face-to-face communication with a single doctor can affect the development of a doctor-patient relationship.



  • More organized ways of handling multiple PaJR groups can be explored.
  • More active discussion on the groups tailored to the patients needs can be implemented.
  • Further exploration should be undertaken to identify additional methods for moderating group discussions, thereby ensuring that conversations remain focused and directly related to the case at hand.



  • Lack of open communication from the patient
  • Lack of active participation by the group members. 
  • Lack of literacy by the patients can render these groups impractical for the patients.




Case 5:



Willingness to follow up, give elaborate and accurate details, well documented clinical history, adherence to treatment 


Poor socioeconomic status, limited understanding 


Exploring varying sequelae of Tuberculous osteomyelitis and Creating awareness on Prevention of post surgical neuropathic pain and rehabilitative measures. 


Limited affordable and available treatment modalities for loss of sensation over the right foot. 

Case 6:



· The patient’s doubts as well as concerns were effectively and

immediately taken care of by the group participants. This enables the patient

to avoid feeling more distressed than she would be thereby getting a platform

to freely express and feel temporarily relieved.

· The discussions taking place in the PaJR group effectively compile

the symptoms, the resource material related to explaining these symptoms, any

reports of any investigations done as well as the case reports in one place,

making it easier to analyze the progression of the condition.

· The need of having the patient to travel to the hospital numerous

times only for follow ups of the condition has been eliminated, thereby

preserving the patient’s time, and energy.


· Since the patient resides far away, there was a language barrier

between the patient and the doctor in charge.

· Hesitancy of the patient to share de-identified details on the


· Academic discussions related to the patient’s condition with the

presence of the patient’s advocate can be overwhelming and confusing to the


· Due to lack of resources, technical difficulties on the side of

the PaJR team, as well as time constraints and financial difficulties of the

patient, some of the investigations remained incomplete, which led to the case

to remain incomplete and the subsequent treatment could not be discussed.


· Due to the adequate resources as well as properly documented

symptoms, investigation reports, as well as case reports, the information could

be effectively used for research.

·  It provides a platform for medical students to be exposed to cases

which they could relate with their existing theoretical knowledge.


· Even if the case is completed and the provincial diagnosis was reached,

the failure to obtain expensive drugs such as IVIG for the treatment could

otherwise create a sense of despair and distress to the patient.

· Lack of active participation of the group members.

· Multiple inputs with regards to the etiology as well as the

probable diagnosis may lead to confusion. 

Case 7:




 The patient found a means of communication, to express his difficulties on a day-to-day basis, these were immediately managed.
The group provided a way to determine the family history which was very essential in the diagnosis.
The PaJR group acted as a means of compliance in terms of exercise and pharmacotherapy. 




There was lack of face-to-face communication and a lack of human touch acted as a major drawback especially in a disease wherein, the prognosis is not good.
Language barrier: As the patient speaks a different language than most doctors on the PaJR group, it hindered in immediate management.
Lack of investigations and lost reports were a major drawback. 




This approach allowed a detailed history and an understanding of how the disease affected the individual in terms of day-to-day activities

 It acted as a platform for medical students to directly see how a patient would present with this disease

 It also acted as a platform for doctors to discuss treatment and research modalities.




Inability for members of the group to understand the patient’s problems due to a language barrier. 


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